For more detailed information, see SAP Note 147519 – Maintenance Strategy/Dates for SAP GUI for Windows / SAP GUI for Java. This cycle is related to the maintenance cycles of Microsoft Visual Studio. Support for this release runs until April 12, 2022.

SAP recommends that you always install the latest available release of SAP GUI. In this little tutorial we deal with the default case, the installation of SAP GUI for Windows. Of course, this depends primarily on the client you are using. Which SAP version do you need? SAP GUI for Windows, SAP GUI for Java or SAP GUI for Mac? SAP GUI Download – You are looking for the latest version of SAP GUI on, but can’t find it? Here we show you how it is possible to download the latest GUI software for accessing your SAP system from the Market Place.

SAP GUI Download How do you download SAP GUI from SAP Market Place?