Killing floor 2 scrake gif
Killing floor 2 scrake gif

killing floor 2 scrake gif

A few annoyances remain (sadly the Zed conomy appears to be here to stay) but hats off to Tripwire, things have been significantly improved overall. all supports/demos can supply ammo/grenades respectively as a standard ability.

killing floor 2 scrake gif

There are also some other quality of life changes with the perks e.g. Supports can now fix broken doors meaning area holding is once again a valid tactic with the right team.You can disable autorotation on clot grab!.Patriarch is back and Hans is now more interesting to fight.Demo is no longer shit and is once again the premier anti-FP perk.Game was desperately in need of a clean, consistent and reliable method of scrake management. Sharpshooter is back and makes pub play viable again.No more autoraging those 2 scrakes you'd saved till the end of the wave. The last Zeds in a wave going berserk thing now only seems to apply to trash mobs.I've managed to outmanoeuvre large groups several times and not found them waiting around the next corner! Best way to demonstrate this is close to the end of a wave when there are no new spawns on the map. Zed teleporting finally appears to be dead.Bearing in mind I haven't touched the game in over a year it seems to be in a pretty good state now. Weapon's flavour text could refer to George Lucas' Star Wars.I've gone back since the SWAT update.Firebug's passive reload bonus does not activate elite reload animation but rather cuts off regular reload time by certain percentage. This weapon actually does have elite reload animations but no perks using it.Crouching and aiming down the sights gives the lowest possible amount of the recoil. The amount of recoil depends on the player's stance and movement.Highest tier Firebug weapon, has no upgrades available.Projectile speed = 225 m/s, Spread factor = 0.0085. Scale (of projectile damage) = x0.3, Duration = 2s, Interval = 0.5s, Damage Type = Fire. "May the fire be with you." Technical Information Alt-fire to toggle between fire modes." Flavor Text

killing floor 2 scrake gif

"Choice of full-auto and 3-round-burst fire modes.

Killing floor 2 scrake gif